fhPhotoGallery is a simple and fast way to generate a photo gallery that you can either upload on your web site or just visualize on your personal computer.
By simply selecting a template, answering a few questions (all of them having a valid and reasonable default value), and selecting the images you want to display, you will allow fhPhotoGallery to create all the html pages necessary for your Gallery. Links between pages are generated automatically, and you will then just have to click on one of the pages or link your main page to it to have a working photo gallery.
fhPhotoGallery also allows you to choose the direction in which any picture is displayed, and automatically create 'lighter' images for the thumbnails and the displayable images.
You don't have to prepare your images in a complex image processing software... You select the images (or drag them), rotate them if necessary, and that's it.
fhPhotoGallery is a Fabrice Harari's software. Find the last version on the web site http://www.fhphotogallery.com
fhPhotoGallery is distributed by Parade Distribution. For more information,consult: http://www.paradedistribution.com